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Tag Education

Former Tesla, OpenAI Exec Andrej Karpathy Founds ‘AI Native’ Education Startup

In a post on X today, Andrej Karpathy announced that he is “starting an AI+Education company called Eureka Labs.” Karpathy taught deep learning for computer vision at Stanford University, left to co-found OpenAI in 2015 and then moved on to… Continue Reading →

Generative AI Resources 2024

Referencing an article in this month’s Georgetown Law Technology Review, “…traditional AI algorithms normally operate by carrying out a specific function or completing a task using a data set that contains information on how that function or task has previously… Continue Reading →

Microsoft Launches Free AI Assistant For All Educators in US in Deal With Khan Academy

Microsoft is partnering with tutoring organization Khan Academy to provide a generative AI assistant to all teachers in the U.S. for free. From a report: Khanmigo for Teachers, which helps teachers prepare lessons for class, is free to all educators… Continue Reading →

Move Over Law Professors? AI Likes to Write Law Review Articles Too!

Sarah Gotschall describes this deep dive into how AI is used to write law review articles, with illustrations that detail the complexity and limitations of the effort. Claude (aka the illustrious author Claudia Trey) penned a 77-page extensively footnoted law… Continue Reading →

Review Law Democratized: A Blueprint For Solving The Justice Crisis

Jerry Lawson rhetorically asks Is anyone in the country better qualified than Renee Knake Jefferson to write about access to justice? Professor of Law at the University of Houston, co-reporter for the ABA Commission on the Future of Legal Services,… Continue Reading →

In a First, US Students Will Take the SAT Entirely Online

The SAT, a college admissions exam that for nearly a century was completed using paper and pencil, is now officially all-digital. From a report: This week, students in the U.S. will begin taking the new SAT on their own devices… Continue Reading →

Use ‘Project-Based Learning’ to Study on Your Own

Teachers are typically familiar with project-based learning—it’s a popular classroom technique. But it’s less well-known among students, which is a shame. Because even if you’re studying on your own, there are ways to modify this approach to enhance your own… Continue Reading →

Keeping Up With Generative AI in the Law

The pace of generative AI development (and hype) over the past year has been intense, and difficult even for us experienced librarians, masters of information that we are, to follow. Not only is there a constant stream of new products,… Continue Reading →

The Truth About Hallucinations in Legal Research AI: How to Avoid Them and Trust Your Sources

Hallucinations in generative AI are not a new topic. If you watch the news at all (or read the front page of the New York Times), you’ve heard of the two New York attorneys who used ChatGPT to create fake… Continue Reading →

Nolej’s AI-generated classroom tools are a force multiplier for educators

The idea of bringing AI into the classroom doesn’t sit well with everyone, but the team behind Nolej believes that generative AI can supercharge learning — all while keeping teachers front and center. Nolej AI is an AI-powered tool that… Continue Reading →

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