“If you’ve visited a website in recent days and been randomly redirected to the same pages with sketchy “resources” or unwanted ads, it’s likely the site in question was 1) built with WordPress tools and 2) hacked,” reports Gizmodo.
Details come from this blog post by researchers at Sucuri (a security provider owned by GoDaddy):
As outlined in our latest hacked website report, we’ve been tracking a long-lasting campaign responsible for injecting malicious scripts into compromised WordPress websites. This campaign leverages known vulnerabilities in WordPress themes and plugins and has impacted an enormous number of websites over the year — for example, according to PublicWWW, the April wave for this campaign was responsible for nearly 6,000 infected websites alone. Since these PublicWWW results only show detections for simple script injections, we can assume that the scope is significantly larger.
We recently investigated a number of WordPress websites complaining about unwanted redirects. Interestingly

Link to original post https://it.slashdot.org/story/22/05/14/1838213/hackers-are-exploiting-wordpress-tools-to-hawk-scams?utm_source=rss1.0mainlinkanon&utm_medium=feed from Teknoids News

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