A new Drummer verb, rss.readFeed, returns a JavaScript object. This used to be a complex thing to do, but it’s absolutely as simple as it can be. I did something new here. I’m only passing through values that are documented in the RSS 2.0 spec and the source namespace. That’s not as draconian as it might sound, because I’m using a Node package written by my friend Dan MacTough that handles all the common feed flavors, including Atom. His code translates the variants to a common vocabulary. And I further winnow it down to just the basic concepts. To some extent, RSS grew in an unruly chaotic way, but imho the core is solid. After all this time, with Drummer as a new platform, I think it’s a good time to pause and create (hopefully) a simpler future that can work better.

Link to original post http://scripting.com/2021/11/19.html#a215857 from Teknoids News

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