“A few years ago, GitHub introduced sponsorships that allowed anybody to make direct financial contributions to open source developers,” TechCrunch reported this week, adding that Microsoft-owned GitHub is now “taking this concept a bit further by launching sponsor-only repositories, that is, private repositories that only sponsors will get access to.”
GitHub says the idea here is to give funders early access to projects as they are being built, for example, or access to what the company calls “sponsorware,” that is access to projects just for sponsors. The company notes that developers can also use these repositories to host discussions with sponsors. And to give developers some flexibility here, they can attach specific repositories to different sponsorship tiers…
The company is also adding a new call to action to sponsor-enabled repositories to give more visibility to the program.

“In effect, the new feature formalizes something that many developers were already enabling themselves manually,”

Link to original post https://developers.slashdot.org/story/22/02/05/0051247/github-launches-new-sponsors-only-repositories?utm_source=rss1.0mainlinkanon&utm_medium=feed from Teknoids News

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