A GitHub project called GPT4free has received a letter from OpenAI demanding that the repo be shut down within five days or face a lawsuit. Tom’s Hardware reports: Anyone can use ChatGPT for free, but if you want to use GPT4, the latest language model, you have to either pay for ChatGPT Plus, pay for access to OpenAI’s API, or find another site that has incorporated GPT4 into its own free chatbot. There are sites that use OpenAI such as Forefront and You.com, but what if you want to make your own bot and don’t want to pay for the API? A GitHub project called GPT4free allows you to get free access to the GPT4 and GPT3.5 models by funneling those queries through sites like You.com, Quora and CoCalc and giving you back the answers. The project is GitHub’s most popular new repo, getting 14,000 stars this week.

Now, according

Link to original post https://yro.slashdot.org/story/23/05/01/2224204/openai-threatens-popular-github-project-with-lawsuit-over-api-use?utm_source=rss1.0mainlinkanon&utm_medium=feed from Teknoids News

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