Linus Torvalds has delivered the first release candidate for version 6.5 of the Linux kernel, but warned this release may not go entirely smoothly. From a report: Torvalds’s headline assessment of rc1 is “none of it looks hugely unusual.” “The biggest single mention probably goes to what wasn’t merged, with the bcachefs pull request resulting in a long thread (we didn’t hit a hundred emails yet, but it’s not far away).” As The Register reported in 2022, bcachefs is a filesystem that’s been in development for nigh on a decade without being added to the kernel.

Kernel-watching outlet Phoronix on Sunday wrote that the filesystem is in good shape but debate over “code changes needed to the kernel outside of the kernel module itself” have proved contentious. As a result, conversation on the Linux kernel mailing list is “often becoming heated” when the topic turns to bcachefs. In his announcement

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