If you don’t keep up with WordPress ecosystem news, you might not be aware of a cool new project called WordPress Playground. And I include myself in this group as I had never heard of WordPress Playground until the project page was submitted to Hacker News a few days ago.
But WordPress Playground is so neat that it deserves a quick explanation here. The idea is quite simple. Playground lets you run a WordPress instance directly from your web browser without having to mess around with a server — no need to install PHP, MySQL or Apache.
You can try it out on playground.wordpress.net. In just a few seconds, you get a brand new WordPress site with a full admin panel and the ability to create posts and pages. At this point, you probably have two questions: How is this possible? And why is it useful?
Image Credits: Romain Dillet / TechCrunch
Adam Zielinski and

Link to original post https://techcrunch.com/2023/07/18/wordpress-playground-lets-you-run-wordpress-entirely-in-your-browser/ from Teknoids News

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