This fall, Lexis+ AI will be attempting final exams in Torts, Contracts, Civil Procedure, Property, Legal Research, Professional Responsibility, and Environmental Law alongside the law students at the University of Wyoming College of Law. The catch? The professors will not know when they’re grading which exam answers were generated by Lexis Omniscient the AI Assistant. AI’s answers will be graded blindly. How do you think it’ll stack up?
Is AI going to take my job and then take over the world?
 For me, the popular large language models, like Chat-GPT, are general-use companions for creative writing tasks. But that’s the limit of their usefulness. These AI platforms severely underperform when it comes to research, especially legal research. They hallucinate answers and fabricate law. There are minimal guardrails around legal questions, too. They aren’t trained to instruct a user that they need to consult an attorney based on their problems.
Lexis’ new AI

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