“What is lost when billionaires with no background nor interest in a civic mission, who are only concerned with profiteering, take over our most influential news organizations? What new models of news gathering, and dissemination show promise for our increasingly digital age? What can the public do to preserve and support vibrant journalism?”

That’s a synopsis posted about the documentary Stripped for Parts: American Journalism on the Brink, cited by the long-standing news industry magazine Editor and Publisher (which dates back to 1901). This week its podcast interviewed filmmaker Rick Goldsmith about his 90-minute documentary, which they say “tells the tale” of how hedge fund Alden Global Capital clandestinely entered into the news publishing industry in a big way — and then “dismantled local newspapers ‘piece by piece,’ creating a crises within the communities they serve, leaving ‘news deserts’ and ‘ghost papers’ in their wake.”

[Goldsmith] spent more than 5-years

Link to original post https://news.slashdot.org/story/24/01/13/0735228/did-a-us-hedge-fund-help-destroy-local-journalism?utm_source=rss1.0mainlinkanon&utm_medium=feed from Teknoids News

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