Are you searching for a cool tool to fill a need?  Heard about one but want to learn more?  Already found one you think other people should know about?  Let the LIT-SIS Education Committee know by filling out this short survey!
For some inspiration, here’s a list of products included in the 2019 Cool Tools Café:

Chatfuel – AI chatbot for Facebook
ClassMarker – online quiz creation platform
Coggle – mind-mapping tool
DoNotPay  – “robot lawyer” app
FindTime – scheduling across institutions
Inbox Pause – Boomerang productivity tool for Gmail/Outlook
Quick, Draw!  – AI tool
Shiftboard – circulation desk scheduler
Trello – a project management app

The LIT-SIS Education Committee is planning on presenting a “Top 10 Tools” at the AALL Annual Meeting & Conference, and additional tools will be featured in blog posts leading up to the conference.  Because the conference program is recorded, the time commitment for presenters is flexible.  Please take the survey and email Julie Randolph at

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