Blue Microphones was ahead of the game. The first Snowball was released all the way back in 2005, as the company was celebrating its 10th birthday. Within a few years, the USB mics were everywhere. They were effectively synonymous with the nascent world of amateur podcasting and became a go-to for first-time content creators uploading video to a brand-new site called YouTube.
A few years later, the company released another game changer in the form of the Yeti – a step up from the Snowball in terms of sound, functionality and, naturally, price. There have been other additions to the consumer line, including the ultra portable Raspberry and Mo-Fi over ear headphones, but the Snowball and Yeti have long remained brand tentpoles.
While the company has made plenty of higher-end audio products over the years, it’s clear that consumer products generally – and the Yeti specifically – were what Logitech was most

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