r/malefashionadvice, one of the biggest Reddit communities that’s still private as part of the Reddit protest, is encouraging its users to move to Discord and Substack. The subreddit has more than 5 million subscribers. The Verge reports: Specifically, the Discord lets members of the community chat amongst themselves and post about things like fits and inspiration, while the Substack hosts a lot of guides. “One of the other mods writes “I will never go back, it’s way better on Discord,’ and that sentiment is pretty shared,” the mod, who asked to go by Zach, says in an email to The Verge. “The community does a lot better job of self-moderating, owing largely to the fact that the ratio of existing regulars to new people is currently extremely high.”

The Substack isn’t intended to “be a subscription-based thing”; instead, it was a good place to bring over the subreddit’s guides and

Link to original post https://tech.slashdot.org/story/23/07/14/2056251/one-of-reddits-biggest-communities-is-suggesting-users-move-to-discord?utm_source=rss1.0mainlinkanon&utm_medium=feed from Teknoids News

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